We are doing our best to keep our patients and staff safe during the Coronavirus Pandemic while continuing to provide the medical care that our patients need.
Please call us first and speak with us if you have any of those symptoms, have traveled to an affected area, or have been in contact with someone that is suspected to have (or has) Coronavirus before coming to the office. We do NOT have coronavirus test kits and are not equipped to see patients who may be infected.
We offer COVID-19 antibody testing. These tests are for people who think they may have been infected in the past and are fully recovered. If you are interested in testing for COVID-19 antibodies, please make an appointment for a telemedicine visit.
Showing up to our office with COVID19 puts our vulnerable patients at risk and may cause our office to have shut down to quarantine staff.
If you have flu-like symptoms and a low grade fever or mild cough, then we recommend self-quarantine. If your fever is 102 or greater, you have difficulty breathing, or have a severe cough, then please call the office for recommendations on possible further evaluation. If you are over 65, have serious medical conditions or a compromised immune system you are especially vulnerable for more serious complications from this illness.
The only treatment at this time for mild infection is isolation and supportive care to relieve the symptoms and allow the body to rid itself of the infection. If you are only mildly ill, your best bet is to stay home and rest. We are offering virtual visits to help decide what treatment plan to follow and help you with personal recommendations for self care.
We do not have access to the vaccine at this time in our office, although other Privia providers may be offering the vaccine to our patients. If you are one of our current patients, look for more information via email about this in the near future.
For our patients safety, we are trying to limit visits in the office, so that only one provider is seeing patients in the office at a time. Therefore, we are continuing to perform as many visits to virtual visits (telemedicine) as possible. Almost all insurances (including Medicare) we contract with are covering telemedicine just like a regular in person visit.
If you have an in office visit, please come on time (not early or late) and come by yourself if at all possible. This includes those of you who are scheduled for a blood draw. If you do not come alone, we will ask your companion(s) to wait outside the office suite or they may go in the exam room with you. Due to social distancing recommendations, our lobby can only hold 3 people at once.
One of our medical assistants will call you the day prior to your in office visit to make sure you are healthy and remind you of our policies. We will also require you to wear a mask while in the suite. Please remember we are doing these things to try to prevent our patients and staff from becoming infected in our office!
CDC website https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html
Virginia Department of Health http://www.vdh.virginia.gov/surveillance-and-investigation/novel-coronavirus/
Fairfax County Health Dept https://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/covid19/
Copyright 2022 Jasmine Moghissi, MD PC